And what to do
If you suffer with PMS, irregular periods, painful periods, spotting, heavy periods, or any kind of period distress then this concerns you. If you want to keep having regular periods with no pain then this applies to you too. If you want to get off birth control pills and have a normal period than this is also for you.
This information is basic to having and maintaining a regular, healthy menstrual cycle. A healthy menstrual cycle shows that your body is in basic good health.
Three things that can lead to menstrual distress and irregularity are hormone imbalances, inflammation and lack of proper nutrition.
Stress is one of the biggest factors in hormone dis-regulation. Stress causes the production of cortisol which can steal your body’s progesterone when its produced in excess. High stress=high cortisol. This interrupts your body’s hormonal balance leading to period problems.
How can you combat stress?
Moderate exercise 3-4 times a week is a good start. For more about stress and how to deal with it go Here.
Inflammation is another cause of unhappy periods. Chronic inflammation releases substances called cytokines which are chemical messengers. These messengers can slow and block the normal pathways of your hormones keeping them from performing the functions they are meant for. They can also amp up other areas of your body to the detriment of your menstrual health.
How do you reduce inflammation? Don’t smoke, reduce inflammatory foods in your diet and make sure your digestion is working properly. The most inflammatory foods that should be eliminated or at least reduced are sugar, wheat/gluten (for many people), dairy, alcohol and highly processed oils. The worst of these oils are soy, corn, canola and cottonseed.
Make sure your diet includes omega-3 foods like wild salmon, flax seed, fish oil and walnuts. Eat lots of dark
leafy greens like collards, kale, broccoli and others like this.
If your digestion is off as in bloating, gas, irregular bowel movements, then get help to correct this. This is a big subject so we won’t go into it here, but if you want more information you may schedule a consultation with me to go over your situation.
Having a healthy period (and body), requires adequate nutrition. Make sure you are getting B vitamins, healthy fats, whole grains and adequate protein. Do not adhere to a low fat diet, fat is necessary to build your hormones.Just make sure they are good fats like olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, organic butter or ghee.
If this newsletter has got you thinking about your own menstrual health, if you would like help getting off
birth control pills and finally having a good menstrual period, and if you would like help with your hormone balance you may contact me to see how I might help you.
You can reach me at 310-367-1564. I am now doing Skype consultations for those who live outside the area and cannot easily see me in my local office in Marina del Rey.