This is what we all strive to know.
Some women have problems with conception for structural reasons like fibroids, uterine polyps, endometriosis, ovarian cysts or scarring of the fallopian tubes from infection. Some of these problems can be taken care of with Chinese Medicine, some may require surgery, others may need the assistance of IVF (in vitro fertilization).
Other women may have hormone imbalances that keep them from ovulating, or keep them from being able to hold onto a pregnancy. These can usually be taken care of with Chinese Medicine.
But what about the women who seem to have no problems? They are ovulating, all the hormone tests come back ok, there are no known structural problems and still no pregnancy.
Sometimes it is a problem with the male partner. Does he have enough quality sperm to find and fertilize the egg? Let’s say he does and all looks good there.
Now what. You still aren’t getting pregnant. What’s wrong here?
Something subtle is going on here. It may be stress, it may be trying too hard in the wrong way. Maybe you aren’t nurturing yourself enough. Maybe it’s time to take a little time for you! Maybe it’s time to nurture the mother within you by spending a little time in Mother Nature.
I have a plan for you and it doesn’t require weekly acupuncture sessions or herbs and supplements. It’s simple and free. Take an hour a week and go for a walk, or just sit in a park or at the beach. Just go without a book or without your music. Just commune with nature. Look at the leaves on the trees, listen to the birds, look at the clouds. Feel your connection to the earth, to the source that supports all life on the earth. Feel it in your gut. If you want, lie on the ground and feel how it supports you.
This is just one small thing you can do to nurture yourself and begin to feel like the fertile woman that you inherently are. There are many other things you can do to take your fertility into your own hands, to heal the fertile woman within you.
I will be leading a workshop coming soon to show you some other ways to bring out your natural inherent fertility. Stay tuned.