Many women wonder if acupuncture is safe during pregnancy. The answer is yes, if done correctly by a professional licensed acupuncturist.
Not only is it safe, but it can help many of the pregnancy related problems that may arise such as morning sickness, acid reflux, anxiety, depression, hypertension, back ache, insomnia and many more.
Nausea in pregnancy is a well known fact for many women. Not every woman is subject to it, but most have some degree of nausea at the very least in the first trimester pregnancy. This is the most challenging time for most women and the time of most stress.
Acupuncture is well known to help in alleviating nausea during pregnancy. In fact many health insurance policies cover acupuncture treatment for nausea in pregnancy.
Acupuncture is especially useful for women who have been taking medication for depression or anxiety and wish to discontinue while they are pregnant. I have had great success treating women for this during their pregnancy.
If someone you know is having a problem during their pregnancy with any of the above ailments or any others, let them know that acupuncture is a safe alternative, especially when pharmaceutical medications are not an option.