As an acupuncturist and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) who specializes in treating infertility, I would like to bring awareness to the community that there is help for infertility. TCM has a long history of helping people naturally conceive when it has become difficult.
There are many causes for fertility challenges and in my practice I look to the root cause of the problem to bring the solution. Whether it is PCOS, stress, advanced maternal age, low sperm count or the many other causes, we have a solution.
In honor of RESOLVE’S National Infertility Week I would like to offer 50% off my intitial consultation and acupuncture treatment for anyone, male or female, who is suffering with fertility challenges. This offer is good only until 4/30/14.
If you know anyone, friend or family who is struggling please let them know that there is help. It is my mission to help everyone who desires a family to achieve a healthy, successful pregnancy and the blessings that a child can bring.
For more information visit my website, or call me at 310-367-1564.