How to Increase Your Fertility

Positive-Pregnancy-TestAs a fertility acupuncturist, I will say that seeing an acupuncturist and herbalist specializing in fertility is an ideal solution to naturally increase fertility. However, if you don’t have a handy acupuncturist what can you do on your own?

Diet and lifestyle are key components of fertility.

Eating a healthy diet is very important and below is a short list of foods that you should include in your diet.

Dark green vegetables
Legumes like black and kidney beans
Root vegetables like carrots, turnips, yams
Seeds and nuts especially walnuts give you a dose of healthy omega oils
Wild salmon containing omegas oils is also a good idea

It is best to avoid alcohol and caffeine if you are trying to get pregnant. Limit red meat and avoid processed foods.

As far as lifestyle, sleep, exercise and stress reduction are the important keys to consider.

Get to bed early and get 8 hours of sleep every night. If you want to have balanced hormones this is important.
Exercise regularly, walking, swimming, biking are all good forms of exercise. Don’t over do it and don’t start a rigorous new
exercise regime like running a marathon. Everything in moderation is best.
Find ways to manage stress like daily meditation, yoga, tai chi. Practice slow belly breathing.

Of course acupuncture is one of the best ways to reduce and manage stress. Often times it is simply managing stress that is the biggest factor in fertility challenges. So it is important to deal with stress in some way.

These are just a few simple things to do that can have a big impact on your fertility.

For further information on how acupuncture might help you increase your fertility call 310-367-1564 for a free 15 minute consultation.