Most of us want to stay feeling and looking young and healthy as we grow older. I know I do! But do you know how to do it, besides going for a botox injection, taking supplemental hormones or going for the latest fad supplement? Do you know what your body specifically needs?
Anti-aging medicine is a new and growing field, but most of the medical doctors in the field subscribe to the view that supplementing with hormones is the way to go. It’s true that as we age, our natural hormone levels begin to decline, often leading to many of the signs and symptoms of aging. But that isn’t the only cause. And what if we don’t want to take a boatload of hormones?
As a matter of fact, I have had patients go down this road to hormone supplementation, spending hundreds of dollars for consultations, lab work and the hormones themselves, only to feel worse than when they started. There may be times when this is appropriate, but this is not a road I would recommend for the average person.
As researchers uncover more and more clues to the causes of aging, what can we do now to help ourselves.
Below you will find a strategy that I have found works really well for everyone!
These are the five keys to staying young, feeling young and looking young well into your later years!
1. Preserve jing also known as essence.
2. Eat for your constitution.
3. Take the proper longevity herbs for your personal needs and body type..
4. Expand your mind.
5. Breathe & move.
So, what do these five keys really mean?
- preserve your essence
- know your proper foods and herbs
- expand your mind and avoid mental decline
- breathe and learn the important component of air?
1. Preserve your essence or Jing.
Your essence, according to Chinese Medicine, is your basic life substance. You can kind of think of it like DNA, as you inherit it from your parents. This jing can be made stronger by self care and by practicing Qi Gong, meditation and other like practices. Jing is a difficult substance to replenish once it is expended, so guard it well by using moderation in lifestyle practices.
2. Eat for your constitution.
Knowing what your constitution is and matching it with the right foods can help you maintain not only good health, but it can strengthen you and help to re-balance any imbalances that may be contributing to aging too quickly. Typical constitutions can be hot, cold, dry, damp, deficient and excess. Many people have a combination of these and require a multiple approach.
3. Take longevity herbs specific for your body needs.
Longevity herbs can help to replenish some of what has been lost through aging and can help to prevent some of the effects of aging. Many of these herbs help to boost hormone and metabolic function that decline as we age.
4. Expand your mind.
You know the expression use it or lose it? Well using your mind, learning new things and keeping it active is very helpful in preventing some of the age related memory dysfunction of growing older. Expanding your mind also falls into the category of other types of mental training like meditation.
Stress is a contributing factor in expending our Jing and aging us faster than we would like. Practicing meditation is a great way to relieve stress. There are many types of meditation and even if you think it’s not for you, I bet there is a form that you will find works perfectly for you.
5. Breathe & move.
Yes, oxygen is important to maintaining youthfulness. And I’m not talking about an oxygen bar, but simply breathing deeply. Not only is this a stress reliever, but it helps bring vital energy into your body called Qi. The Qi found in air is just like every other nutrient that your body needs and Qi helps to supplement your Jing! Learning how to breathe properly will enhance your health and longevity more than you might imagine.
Move- yes, use it or lose it applies here too. Moving helps your essence travel throughout your body to nourish every body part. Moving helps keep you limber and strong. Our bodies were built for movement, not for sitting. If you want to maintain your youthfulness, you must exercise regularly. There is no getting around this! The youngest appearing seniors I know have exercised throughout their lives.
Now you have the keys to staying young and slowing down the clock.
If you want more details on how to do this, I am happy to speak with you on the various anti-aging programs available.