Often people come to me and ask if I can help them have more energy. They wake up tired and don’t seem to have enough energy throughout the day causing them to turn to caffeine or sugar to help boost them up to get through the day. Once I have addressed the common causes of fatigue the answer is yes!
What are some of the common causes of chronic tiredness?
Chronic Stress-Feeling too much stress for too long can cause adrenal fatigue leading to feelings of tiredness and exhaustion. Stress can also interfere with sleep causing you to lose precious hours.
Poor or inadequate sleep-Many people don’t get the 8 hours they need to be completely rested. Whether it is from stress, or trying to fit too much into your day, not sleeping enough doesn’t allow your body time to replenish and reset. Sleep apnea is another cause of daytime fatigue. If you are waking all night it is difficult to get the right kind of sleep.
Inadequate diet-Not eating regular meals containing the nutrients your body needs to function properly is a major cause of chronic tiredness. Protein, whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies should be part of your daily routine. Avoid sugar, refined carbs like white bread, white rice, donuts etc. Don’t start the day with a waffle covered in syrup if you want to have sustained energy throughout the day. IT will spike your blood sugar and insulin leading to an energy crash midmorning.
Hormone imbalances-If your thyroid isn’t producing enough thyroxine you will likely be feeling tired as thyroxine is necessary for your body’s proper metabolic function.
Sleep disturbances caused by reduced hormones are common during menopause and perimenopause can leave women feeling constant fatigue.
Not enough exercise-Sometimes simply getting a little exercise, getting the blood moving and oxygenating your body will help you get a sudden boost in energy. Breathing is important to feeling energetic.
Dehydration-If you aren’t drinking enough water throughout the day you can start to feel fatigue. If you exercise you will need to drink a little extra water throughout the day.
How do I help people with the above issues to gain more energy?
Acupuncture is well known to help reduce stress, balance hormones and help you get a better nights sleep. Herbs can address stress as well in addition to hormone imbalances, and insomnia.
Dietary guidance and knowing the right things to eat for your particular constitution can also help you feel more energized throughout the day.
If you would like to explore how I might help you feel more energetic, call for a free 15 minute phone consultation to find out what we can do to help. 310-367-1564.