If you want to jump start your fertility and you feel like time is against you then you need to read this. One of the biggest hurdles to better fertility is the stress level that accompanies your challenge.
The longer you have suffered infertility likely the higher your stress level is. Stress is the enemy of hormone balance and you need hormone balance to have the best chances of conceiving.
Stress can so adversely affect your hormones that it can keep you from ovulating, it can interfere with your body’s ability to maintain or allow the implantation of a fertilized egg. This can affect those going through IVF also.
Stress has many other effects but the bottom line is, what can we do about it?
- You need support! You need your friends, your family, a sympathetic ear whether from a healing professional or therapist or support group. You need someone who understands what you are going through and can support you in your ups and downs. It is sometimes a long road and this support is critical to your well being. Having this support will help lessen the stress you feel.
- Meditate. It isn’t hard to do really. Meditation can range from simply sitting and breathing, to walking slowly in nature and slowing your mind as you focus on the beauty around you. It can also be a guided meditation to help you relax your body. Meditation can take many forms. If you need help with this please ask me and I will help you find the right meditation that fits for you.
- Acupuncture. It is one of the best ways to reduce stress with its amazing ability to down regulate your sympathetic nervous system and the fight or flight response that chronic stress causes. If you have a difficult time meditating, this is an easy alternative to help bring your body back to a relaxation response.
If you, a friend or family member are having difficulty in this area, you might want to try any of my suggestions. If you would like to find out about trying acupuncture yourself or if you want to know if it is right for you, call for a free 15 minute consultation.