It has been a while since I’ve written a blog post. So, here’s what is new in the world of health and acupuncture.
We have seemingly moved into a new era with Covid. While it is still out there circulating, for now it isn’t at the levels of infection that it once was. Most people have moved on with their lives, traveling and gathering again with friends and family. Hopefully it will stay that way throughout the fall and winter months.
Regardless, it is still important at this time of year to boost your immune system to withstand the various pathogens that seem to circle around like colds and flu, as well as Covid.
Getting regular acupuncture is one way to do this. We have very specific acupuncture points that can accomplish this. You know what they say, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Especially if you travel a lot and you are exposed to lots of people in close quarters.
Another way to do this is to take immune boosting herbs like Black Elderberry. This is a very safe herb and can be taken by children as well. Read the labels for dosing information and it is always best to check with your health care practitioner to make sure herbs are appropriate for you.
No matter how busy you are, don’t skimp on sleep. Sleep is a time when your body does self repair, balances hormones and keeps your immune system strong. Especially now as the days are shorter and the nights are long. This is a natural time to get more sleep. If you have sleep issues like insomnia or disrupted sleep, acupuncture has proven effective at correcting sleep problems.
Reducing stress is another important way to keep our immune system strong. Chronic stress interferes with our normal immune function. Practicing deep breathing along with meditation can really help reset the stress response. Many of us have difficulty with meditation or have no clue how to begin. If you don’t know where to begin there are lots of YouTube videos that can help you. If you are currently a patient ask me to teach you a breathing or meditation technique next time you are in to see me. Or, if you aren’t a patient, we can schedule a special session to teach you some techniques, regardless of whether you wish to receive acupuncture or not.
No matter how you approach it, strengthening your immune system is important! Especially as we approach the holidays and the holiday gatherings with friends and family. Let’s all come out of this season strong and healthy!