Allergy season has begun. Here in Southern California, the trees are sending out buds and pollen and lots of spring plants are popping up. Other areas of the country aren’t far behind. Lots of people will be suffering from sneezing, sinus congestion, red watery eyes and more. Not a fun way to bring in the new season.
But first, what causes seasonal allergies to begin with?
Allergies happen when your immune system overreacts to a substance called an allergen. Common allergens include pollen, dust mites, pet dander, certain foods, insect stings, and certain medications. When you encounter an allergen, your immune system produces antibodies. This triggers the release of chemicals called histamines which lead to allergy symptoms. Allergies can be genetic and can run in families. They can also develop over time through repeated exposure to allergens.
Other factors like environmental pollution, changes in diet, and lifestyle can also play a role in the development of allergies. You may not always experience an allergy when exposed to a substance, but with too much exposure, such as too many allergens at once, you will probably experience symptoms. Your allergy cup has overflowed!
What can you do to prevent the seasonal misery? Lots of things!! Herbs, acupuncture, and food choices to the rescue!!
Let’s start with food. Eliminating foods that cause more inflammation is very helpful. Sugar is a big culprit! Simply reducing or eliminating sugar can be very helpful in managing symptoms. Other foods include red meat, processed meat like sausage, trans fat, fried foods, sugary drinks, alcohol, foods high in saturated fat like cheese and dairy. Food sensitivities can also cause inflammation like gluten or dairy intolerance.
Including other foods that reduce inflammation is equally important. Foods that contain omega fatty acids like salmon, flax seeds, walnuts and other nuts are important. Eating lots of leavy green vegetables is helpful. Turmeric and ginger are also beneficial.
The herb stinging nettle and quercetin are two supplements that are especially helpful to reduce allergic symptoms, potentially by reducing histamine. Use caution and as with any supplement check with your healthcare provider before using as interactions with medications can occur. Also, pregnant women should avoid these supplements.
Lastly, acupuncture can be very helpful for reducing inflammation. There are specific acupuncture points on the face that can clear allergic congestion as well as specific points to reduce allergic reactions.
If you are suffering from seasonal allergies, ask for help! There is much that we can do without using pharmaceuticals and steroids to control and eliminate those annoying allergy symptoms! If you would like guidance or treatment, call for an appointment!