Acupuncture has been used to treat infertility for millenia in China, and it has gained a lot of attention in the United States in recent years. Many women are turning to acupuncture for a cost effective solution before trying other more costly, and invasive approaches such as IVF. Many women turn to acupuncture because it is a completely natural approach to help them become pregnant.
Acupuncture can also address male infertility which is increasingly being recognized as a problem as well. Acupuncture is often used in conjunction with herbs and together can help women overcome many of the underlying causes of their inability to become pregnant. With this medicine we look at the whole person: your constitution, your lifestyle, your diet, and all factors that may be contributing to your fertility challenges.
If you are older and trying to get pregnant, acupuncture can help increase your chances of conceiving and carrying to term.
If you have unexplained infertility, meaning they don’t know why you aren’t getting pregnant, acupuncture can help regulate subtle imbalances that may be contributing to your difficulties.
If you aren’t ovulating due to hormonal imbalances or PCOS, acupuncture can help regulate hormones and improve your ovarian response to hormonal triggers.
Below are some of the ways in which acupuncture helps improve fertility:
- Regulates the menstrual cycle and returns normal cycles
- Improves egg quality
- Increases blood flow to the uterus, increasing the uterine lining to facilitate implantation of the egg
- Helps treat blockages of blood and lymph flow in the pelvic area
- Reduces stress that can affect hormone levels
- Reduces the possibility of miscarriage
Dealing with infertility is often a very stressful experience and acupuncture is well known for promoting relaxation. Sometimes just reducing your stress level is all you need to become pregnant. This has been the case for some of my patients. Acupuncture can be a very powerful medicine and using it to naturally bring healthy babies into the world is one of its most beautiful uses and one that I love to provide.