I know, its hard to fathom cold of any kind when its so hot outside but let me ask you this:
Would you rather not get sick this season?
Fall is nearly here, the kids are back in school and it’s the onset of cold and flu season. This has actually been a pretty active summer cold season as well.
Why do we get sick?
Maybe you’ve been exposed to a new bug that you haven’t met before and for which you have no immunity. Maybe the bug is just too strong for the strength of your immune system. You need a strong immune system to meet the challenge of both these scenarios.
How can you make sure your immune system is strong enough to prevent you from getting sick this fall and winter? How do you make sure that you don’t get every cold that is circulating around your office or your kid’s school?
Frequent hand washing is one way, but is that enough? What if you’re sitting in the same office as your coworker who is sneezing and coughing and using your phone?
Now is the ideal time to build up your immune system before the cold season gets into full swing.
Now is the time for an ounce of prevention. Once that cold has set in it will run its course. Maybe I can help you lessen its duration with some herbs or acupuncture, but wouldn’t you rather prevent it in the first place?
Getting adequate sleep and managing stress levels is one way to build your immune system. But is that enough for that really nasty bug?
Chinese medicine is one of the few systems that can look at your unique constitution and actually help you build your immune system. Getting frequent acupuncture and taking an immune building herbal formula and some specific supplements can really get you strong to meet the challenge of the fall and winter months.
If you tend to get every bug that shows its ugly face, if the typical cold tends to settle in your chest or your ears, or if your colds tend to last a month or even longer, then lets take a look at how to strengthen those areas to avoid that scenario. I have some very effective strategies that can be tailored for your constitution and for getting you in the best shape to face the coming months.
For more information on how you can stay healthy this winter call me at 310-367-1564.